Wade on Birmingham

Wade’s 101: Haiku retrospective 7

  1. techno chronic
    Simplest of gadgets
    baffles smartest of humans.
    Time to reboot life.
  2. stage 6 (2007)
    Vault isn’t a real
    event, just a sponsor of
    Dance Depot dwelling.
    Take the floor as two.
    Swing your partner round and round.
    So much fun you sweat.
  3. stage 5 (2007)
    Festival for kids?
    But they’re small and can’t afford
    Publix shopping. Yet.
  4. stage 4 (2007)
    Miller Lite offers
    Ludacris, Puddle of Mudd.
    Event in reruns.
  5. stage 3 (2007)
    Oldies live on at
    Mason Corp Oasis, time
    capsule of big band.
  6. stage 2 (2007)
    Legacy Credit
    Union Stage
    cursed! Last year’s name?
  7. stage 1 (2007)
    Saddest lineup of
    all, hardly headline worthy.
    Coke Stage is all flat.
  8. stage 0 (2007)
    Alabama Part-
    ners for Clean Air Homegrown Stage

    takes up most of verse.
  9. cloudy entourage
    Thunder and lightning
    don’t come round much anymore
    but bring guest of rain.
  10. persistence of division
    The sorrow isn’t
    in being alone. It’s the
    habit formation.
  11. natural conservation
    Don’t shower. Don’t wash
    the car. Don’t water the lawn.
    No big change, really.
  12. pond skim
    Basin shows bottom
    bereft of sparkling waters,
    filled to brim with dry.
  13. five cents, please
    We could give advice
    at reasonable rates, you
    worthless helpless fool.
  14. urgent renewal
    The chance to begin
    again never defeats us,
    but instead gives hope.
  15. forward mingling
    Frenzy of goodness
    as motivated crowds meet
    needy do-gooders.
  16. the 12-hour day
    Some days drag. But the
    marathon sessions fly by
    in an unseen blur.
  17. flip flop flip
    Seven out of 10
    respondents say they like this,
    but OK with that.
  18. not an actor
    Director picks me
    so I can look pretty for
    the camera. Cut!
  19. rumbling bumbling dehydrating
    Is it allowed to
    be this hot? Because the fake
    thunder gives me chills.
  20. brisk break
    Nine minutes isn’t
    enough time to powder nose and
    check messages, too.
  21. grunts of respect
    We don’t often sing
    the praises of those who take
    on worst of the work.
  22. toasting with sharks
    Volley of drinks and
    come-ons make for social scene
    fraught with odd peril.
  23. dumping the dot-matrix
    Goodbye, old printer.
    You made my dreams into reams
    of sprocket-fed sheets.
  24. and thus, half the year was gone
    The calendar does
    not lie, nor does it stand still.
    Onward, year that’s left.
  25. seeding the faith
    Dear Lord, please don’t make
    it rain. Instead, give us strength
    when we are thirsty.
  26. an acquired something
    Why does no one share
    my love of exotic tastes
    and lowbrow humor?
  27. sicko feeling
    Thank God, I have health
    insurance. Even if it
    fails to cover me.
  28. free to redeem
    Don’t simply fight for
    freedoms. Exercise them or
    they become worthless.
  29. that’s life
    Sometimes fate isn’t
    so much cruel as it is a
    misguided joker.
  30. it’s easy being green
    I cloak jealousy
    in winced looks and snide asides
    while plotting anew.
  31. odds are
    Even “lucky” pairs
    who wed triple seven
    face odds of divorce.
  32. reduce, reuse, rock on
    Celebrities and
    rock stars preach green awareness
    while stuck in excess.
  33. media shy
    Turn the camera
    off and focus on someone
    other than me, please.
  34. my fair hazy
    The rain we gain flows
    mainly down the drain. Now, how
    does it rain? It wanes.
  35. in preparing for battle
    I have … found that plans
    are useless, but planning is
  36. a dome of wizardry
    Supersize screen makes
    trip to movies magical
    spectacle of light.
  37. one secret of highly affected people
    Much more can be done
    in the space of a handshake
    and unlikely smile.
  38. they grow so fast
    The baby walks and
    talks, and the infant quickly
    scoots along the rug.
  39. no punchline, no tag
    Blogger walks into
    a bar and orders a beer,
    writes notes on napkin.
  40. and you are?
    Faces and names have
    no connection, so getting
    them right is a win.
  41. too remote a hideaway
    Beyond the next pane
    lies the long stone balcony
    untrod for ages.
  42. flattery in the middle of the day
    “I like your outfit,”
    exclaims the lady leaving
    Wal-Mart. Check me out.
  43. refuse to lose
    Kitchen trash can can’t
    shake infestation of bugs.
    Who knew garbage rots?
  44. and the deathly wallows
    Witching hour to
    bring hefty volume of wands,
    owls and closure.
  45. the 784-page crusade
    Read. Read faster. Sleep.
    Wake. Eat. Read. Read. Watch TV.
    Drink. Read. Still not done.
  46. still wild about harry
    Magical series
    ends rather memorably.
    The boy who lived on.
  47. heels dug in
    The old ways sometimes
    won’t bend to anything new
    which keeps us behind.
  48. puzzles and progress
    I could use a few
    more pieces in place before
    the next phase begins.
  49. backwards and forwards
    The plain palindrome
    announced its retirement,
    then resumed working.
  50. through drooping eyelids
    The days just fly by,
    not because time’s fleeting, but
    from chronic fatigue.
  51. a light came on
    Small victories don’t
    even feel like wins but more
    like natural way.
  52. night retreat
    At last, the darkness
    recedes while we stare ahead
    at a brighter sky.
  53. dousing the electricity
    Lights out, then on, then
    out. Quenching storm revives land
    but cuts the power.
  54. joe mugged
    Woe is the coffee
    shop that fumbles over small
    details and bad scones.
  55. fire up a colortini
    Sit back, relax and
    watch the pictures, now, as they
    fly through the air. (fade)
  56. unhappy hour at the genius bar
    The infant laptop
    seems helpless as the techie
    looks for maladies.
  57. mister collegiality
    My job, as I see
    it, is success through others
    in surprising ways.
  58. valleydale cabal
    The secret club meets
    at a strip mall restaurant
    for Friday dinner.
  59. afternoon ambush
    Blessedly hot day
    turns steamy with downpour of
    cool drenching torrents.
  60. cabbage patch cells
    When they come named with
    adoption certificates,
    I’ll buy an iPhone.
  61. fortune favors the brash
    You will meet a kind
    stranger by cutting in front
    of her in traffic.
  62. jiggy little pill
    If you’re happy and
    you know it, clap your mouth shut
    and stop the Prozac.
  63. originality, not so much
    Writing poems, yo.
    Best. Guidelines. Evah. Check out
    its cliché-y goodness.
  64. half and half
    You’ll find that Real World
    Me is as painfully dull
    and dry as Work Me.
  65. clinging to survive
    Vines mount stealth attack
    along domestic borders
    while we sleep in peace.
  66. i am pong
    Wild new gaming style
    requires standing, swatting
    at virtual ball.
  67. green machine
    My life runs on clean,
    sustainable, natural
    power. And draft beer.
  68. potato, po-screw-yourself
    And here we come to
    the same argument we’ve had
    for the last six years.
  69. so much for scheming
    The ideas come
    fast and furious, but the
    solutions need time.
  70. spiderbun and bun, james bun
    Every movie
    can be told in 30 ticks
    with bunnies. Just watch.
  71. traveling gnome lives up to name
    Ceramic icon
    takes a holiday. How did
    he get that time off?
  72. plus it’s 104
    Parking lot blinds with
    deep sunshine penetrating
    from every windshield.
  73. repair order no. r13598099
    Prodigal laptop
    returns after visiting,
    eating parts unknown.
  74. the twit in twitter
    Yes, we can see your
    “current status,” but what of
    your will to progress?
  75. wrong all wrong
    Critical words don’t
    often spring from critical
    thinking, just big talk.
  76. darkest before the
    The civic minded
    find their way, even when times
    seem hopeless and bleak.
  77. more to read someday
    Bundle of books lands
    with knowledgeable thud on
    crowded sagging shelf.
  78. parlors and parks
    Ice cream, baseball, beer
    and hot dogs. Summer in one
    hot night around town.
  79. putting off eating
    The skipped meal leaves a
    gnawing sensation growing
    in the stomach’s pit.
  80. somewhere over the mountain
    Taillights disappear
    into turnoffs and driveways
    as evening subsides.
  81. march of the sanguine
    The trickle of ants
    finds its way through unseen gaps
    to the countertop.
  82. back to school 1
    The mimeographs
    still crank out pop quizzes in
    purple-tinted prose.
  83. back to school 2
    Metal detector
    quells youthful exuberance
    with beeps and alarms.
  84. back to school 3
    32. 15.
    26? Damn. How do I
    open my locker?
  85. get-together, gathering or party
    Welcoming strangers,
    bohemian rhapsody
    for incoming guests.
  86. pigskin prudes
    Pity those elites
    who don’t cotton to the smash
    and crunch of football.
  87. not quite thunderdome
    Two teams enter, two
    teams leave. What? We don’t slaughter
    the losers for sport.
  88. idle hands and all
    “How is work going?”
    The reply each time? “Busy.”
    Which beats “Not busy.”
  89. working it
    You toil your life
    away, and for what? Pension
    and food and shelter.
  90. post-labor day scofflaw
    Look, I’m wearing white!
    Nyaah, nyaah. You can’t write me a
    ticket, fashion cop.
  91. not a star in heaven that we can’t reach
    More than hope, more than
    faith, this is true, this is fate.
    Yeah, we’re breaking free.
  92. paving the road to hell
    It all started with
    trying to do it all and
    ending with burnout.
  93. amen noodles
    Go forth and divide,
    cried the devil to his flock.
    Who will stop the lies?
  94. what can’t brown do for you?
    Even UPS
    man needs love. Hot, boxy loads
    from big cargo truck.
  95. too long on too high
    Burnt something litters
    air around oven as a
    smelly souvenir.
  96. escalating anticipation
    The sales pitch starts with
    promise and ends with something
    short of nirvana.
  97. if only to remember
    Thousands murdered, and
    bin Laden roams free. Where are
    our priorities?
  98. a moment like no other
    I remember when
    you’d smile at me, and the world
    would forever change.
  99. stacked up
    Looking at what’s on
    the way seems too much for one
    to handle solo.
  100. grief settles in
    The sadness hangs like
    a piteous cloud, marking
    the loss of a friend.
  101. football fanaticism fumbled and recovered
    It is easy to
    love the coach and team when they
    win instead of lose.

• • •

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