Wade on Birmingham

Vote 2008: Choose and/or lose


Alabama’s presidential primary is less than three weeks away. But which candidate do you support? Do you even know his or her agenda?

On Feb. 5 (the sadly named Super Duper Tuesday), voters in this state will have a fresh opportunity to pick Democratic and Republican nominees, rather than let earlier states winnow down the field arbitrarily.

In our Vote 2008 coverage, we’ll bring you the issues that matter most to Alabamians, and how candidates stack up in key positions. Start by checking out the official Web sites for their platforms.

Then, try out Select a Candidate below, by filling out your choices on top issues and finding out which presidential hopeful matches up best. Tell us in the comments about your match, your actual vote-getter and why.

(You can also try glassbooth or the MyFox Candidate Matchmaker for alternate matches.)

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Complete Vote 2008 coverage.

2 Yips for “Vote 2008: Choose and/or lose”

  1. Kristen
    Friday, January 18, 2008, 9:17 am

    I got an 11.0 tie for Obama, Edwards and Clinton. At this point, I think I’d have to go for an Obama-Edwards run. Clinton just kind of scares me.

  2. Wade
    Friday, January 18, 2008, 7:12 pm

    Will be interesting to see which candidates pull it out in Alabama.

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