Wade on Birmingham

Vote 2008: McCain visits two Alabamas


GOP nominee to tour Black Belt, hit Birmingham fund-raisers

Republican presidential nominee John McCain has returned to Alabama to lure voters in a state that went for Mike Huckabee in February. The Arizona senator will start in Selma this morning, which has already seen visits by Democratic contenders Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

After a swing through the Black Belt, he’ll stop tonight in Birmingham for a fund-raiser at the Sheraton ($1,000 and $2,300 for tickets) and then to Soho in Homewood for a young professionals fund-raiser (a thrifty $100 per ticket).

The Black Belt is among the poorest regions in the nation, though U.S. Steel announced Friday that it would build a $150 million, 75-job plant in Sumter County later this year.

Just 197 days until Election Day.

Can McCain win over the evangelicals and traditional Southern Republicans who voted Huckabee? What do you think?

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Complete Vote 2008 coverage.

2 Yips for “Vote 2008: McCain visits two Alabamas”

  1. Ginny
    Monday, April 21, 2008, 11:11 am

    Win them over? No. Get their votes by default? Probs.

  2. Wade
    Tuesday, April 22, 2008, 7:54 am

    Who knows? Evangelicals could stay away in droves if he doesn’t appeal to them in the slightest.

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