Wade on Birmingham

Wade’s 101: Haiku retrospective 20


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  1. brotherhood of bread
    They split the loaf as
    they had many times before,
    bonding with baguette.
  2. all run by elves
    The magic happens
    thanks to tireless elves who
    cook, clean, write, fold clothes …
  3. art on demand
    “We want more art now!”
    the audience bellowed. But
    the artist demurred.
  4. the day the blackberry died
    No beeps, no flashing
    light, no interruptions, no
    crises, no love lost.
  5. the routine
    The monotony
    continues unhindered while
    others break patterns.
  6. 40
    The ship left port some
    40 years ago, steering
    by the stars above.
  7. hooked on a feeding
    Some eat for pleasure.
    Some take pleasure in cooking.
    At the center, food.
  8. the new new new normal
    Panic, snark, outrage
    are all outmoded. Time for
    full-on terpitude.
  9. the lovebug nest
    They sit alone, an
    unnatural state for them,
    these social insects.
  10. a tin of salt
    No tiny gift goes
    unnoticed, even a tin
    of coarse gourmet salt.
  11. the rattling
    The rattling was
    eventually traced back
    to a soul dislodged.
  12. through the earth
    A seedling poked his
    head through hard dirt to see if
    winter had left town.
  13. perspectives from devils and angels
    Is the world good or
    bad? Or does that depend on
    if you’re good or bad?
  14. he fought the so-so fight
    Misunderstood by
    his contemporaries, he
    tilted at straw men.
  15. seasonal schizophrenia
    Cycle of winter
    in Alabama: colder,
    snow, ice, then heat spell.
  16. i’ll get right on that
    “I need you to do
    me a favor.” The eight most
    dreaded words ever.
  17. put a lid on it
    Wherever the head
    went, the hat stayed on top of
    it, perched and ready.
  18. flight of the go-getters
    They wouldn’t, couldn’t
    stick around any longer.
    New horizons called.
  19. on the banks in the freezing cold
    The creek runs low this
    time of year. The critters are
    in hiding somewhere.
  20. be still
    Be still. Contemplate
    existence. Breathe in, breathe out.
    Wait, then wait some more.
  21. the cool kids club
    Their lunch table is
    exactly the same as all
    lunch tables, but not.
  22. the snow, man
    Old Man Winter popped
    in for a visit, only
    to startle the town.
  23. made in the world
    It may be one world,
    but China still makes our stuff
    at low, low prices.
  24. sweets surrender
    Each bite of pie brings
    a taste of regret, as though
    the fatness cometh.
  25. i never
    Bad decisions make
    for the best stories, even
    if they’re your choices.
  26. flower forecast
    Everything’s coming
    up expensive. But skipping
    bouquet can cost more.
  27. citified drawl
    Birmingham’s accent
    is soft, a gentle porch breeze
    without many airs.
  28. cupid 2.0
    His quiver carries
    both arrows and pre-nups, on
    his lawyer’s counsel.
  29. lack history month
    Not so much the shade
    of history but the real
    lessons need teaching.
  30. star-crossed haters
    The pair’s mutual
    dislike of everything made
    them compatible.
  31. away with coffee
    The affair ended
    with her tossing her dark roast
    to the compost heap.
  32. screens
    Laptop calculates,
    BlackBerry buzzes, plasma
    pulses, iPad sleeps.
  33. before the rush
    Chairs suspend themselves
    on tables as a wayward
    mop glides lazily.
  34. positive energy
    The reservoir of
    positive energy is
    replenished with hope.
  35. these walls do talk
    “You are beautiful.”
    The message spread through the town.
    “You are beautiful.”
  36. creatures stirring
    A solitary
    torch keeps me company as
    I hunt fireflies.
  37. volunteer fireman
    Putting out fires
    in the office has become
    burning sensation.
  38. awards season
    They hand out trophies
    under the Hollywood sign
    with proof of purchase.
  39. roses, stage 1
    The dormant bush kept
    very still, impatient to
    burst forth with good news.
  40. her left arm
    She would give her left
    arm for sleep, coffee, nice shoes,
    good hair and a kiss.
  41. the well runs dry
    The hole in the earth
    belched a cloud of dust, spent from
    giving up water.
  42. you can just sense it
    An arched brow gave way
    to a wrinkled frown. The cards
    could not bail him out.
  43. a serpent made of limos
    The glamorous were
    eased down the digestive tract
    of the beast of fame.
  44. first date
    The trouble with first
    dates is the magic will be
    mostly alcohol.
  45. in like a lion
    Spring waits in the wings,
    eager to spread sunshine’s roar
    to a sleeping world.
  46. sweet victory
    Winning isn’t the
    goal always, but it sure beats
    losing or tying.
  47. the process of wooing
    Dance starts with a long
    glance. Then gestures and drinks. And
    ends with date or slap.
  48. park respite
    Lunchtime crowd lingers
    longer to soak up the warmth
    in the oasis.
  49. love won’t leave
    Love is the secret
    hope, the persistent bug, the
    vise on a lone heart.
  50. a sunday of nothing
    Hot coffee, good book,
    jazz tunes, fresh croissants, light rain,
    fresh flowers, soft smile.
  51. the standard of mediocrity
    Settling is how this
    country was founded, and the
    way it stays the same.
  52. dancing in the lobby
    They couldn’t find the
    reception, so they ended
    up waltzing in place.
  53. net gain or loss
    The hardwood vibrates
    from fan intensity as
    the players warm up.
  54. flight to the heavens
    The rocket plume did
    not arc across the sky but
    pointed to beyond.
  55. conversation ticker
    Buy! The talk turns to
    culture. Sell! Back to cooking.
    Hold! Current events.
  56. the passion of the berries
    Blueberry baskets
    tumble into pie tins and
    hand-cranked ice cream churns.
  57. up the interstate
    Truck stop offers hot
    showers, ample parking. Turn
    off at next exit.
  58. bun extraction
    The newborn isn’t
    yet born, still baking before
    entering the world.
  59. pie focals
    Every pie on Earth
    filled the banquet table with
    every eye on Earth.
  60. st. patrick’s eve
    Kegs fall in line for
    duty to brave women and
    men who fight for drafts.
  61. fields of green
    Rolling hills calm the
    soul, gliding along on a
    bicycle for one.
  62. plus one
    Her words came screaming
    out. Beneath the tears and fears,
    she announced her burst.
  63. sprung forward
    The clocks have jumped the
    gun, waiting for Ms. Mother
    Nature to catch up.
  64. the clone wars
    Cover bands toil
    for reflected glory from
    authentic knock-offs.
  65. green power
    The aching dust coats
    the metallic skin, leaving
    misery around.
  66. facts is facts
    Truth isn’t all it’s
    supposed to be. But neither
    is soothing fiction.
  67. join the parade
    The clatter of feet
    and cars and bands and Shriners
    and floats approaches.
  68. the countdown
    Invites sent, menu
    set, decorations in place,
    band tuned, almost there.
  69. renewal phase
    The promise of a
    new season inspires us
    to grow, to become.
  70. a call for poets
    The call for poets
    did not roil the land but
    shook hearts from within.
  71. sunday brunch 2011
    The warm mimosas
    remained unsipped while the group
    stared at their smartphones.
  72. march maelstroms
    Storms roll through leaving
    hail and branches strewn about.
    The air calms, clears up.
  73. ode to a cupcake
    When eating a whole
    cake by yourself is frowned on
    by society.
  74. _the corridors of power
    Up and down the long
    hallways hung crudely drawn hopes
    from the city’s youth.
  75. time flies when you’re having fondue
    Spear the fruit, dip the
    chunk, coat the sides, slow the drips,
    chew the piece. Repeat.
  76. campus springtime
    The snap of cold threw
    off the students looking for
    sun while crossing quads.
  77. bunny test run
    Stuntrabbits hide their
    simulated eggs throughout
    an obstacle course.
  78. a mild coma
    The wear and tear of
    everyday life compounds with
    a lack of leisure.
  79. blooming of festivals
    Tent poles poke up from
    the earth. Tents blossom, buzzed by
    tall bees on two legs.
  80. not my crowd
    They goose each other
    with familiarity
    while I stand aside.
  81. rutted
    Those who are bored can
    be inspired, but most of
    the time, they’re boring.
  82. part-time architect
    In the mornings, she
    constructs a blanket fort for
    the scampering ones.
  83. the perfect macaroon
    A macaroon would
    be much improved without that
    yucky coconut.
  84. poultry quandary
    Guess what. Chicken butt.
    Guess why. Chicken thigh. Guess where.
    Chicken unaware.
  85. green dust
    Pollen amassed on
    Chevy hoods and porch swings brings
    new flowers to bloom.
  86. the butterfly defect
    The butterfly knows
    not of civil turmoil
    while floating on air.
  87. the secret girl
    Cheers to the secret
    girl, placed on a pedestal
    high above the fray.
  88. buffoons of the postmodern era
    They wear their blatant
    idiocy proudly, to
    profit from hecklers.
  89. sea of flesh
    The park’s sea of green
    becomes a sea of flesh as
    the sun laps the shores.
  90. internal ice age
    Wear your sweaters at
    the office. Hot temps outside
    mean arctic inside.
  91. seasons of the grill
    Late winter grilling
    has turned to early springtime
    grilling. Charcoal, please.
  92. test pilots in training
    A tail swings to and
    fro as its kite ascends to
    become a mere speck.
  93. 1040 or fight
    An accountant keeps
    the numbers in line, making
    them letter perfect.
  94. find the symbolism
    The bald goat ate the
    last blade of grass on Earth while
    bleeding crude oil.
  95. off the trail
    The markers did not
    help the colorblind hiker,
    lost in nature’s awe.
  96. tantrums in the sky
    The unseen toddler
    rattles the globe, shaking loose
    the raindrops and gusts.
  97. mixer
    One part schmoozing, two
    parts drinking, three parts waiting,
    mix well, serve smoothly.
  98. the laying of eggs
    Someone left behind
    these painted eggs where any
    toddler could find them!
  99. to live again
    Birth, death and rebirth
    are all the same, as we skim
    across life to life.
  100. the rose garden
    She skipped through the rose
    garden, where all the blooms smiled
    back in jealousy.
  101. in place of crickets
    The clickety-clack
    of a keypad, the dull hum
    of a laptop fan.

• • •

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