Wade on Birmingham

techno chronic


Simplest of gadgets
baffles smartest of humans.
Time to reboot life.

• • •

Read more haiku.

2 Yips for “techno chronic”

  1. Vivi
    Thursday, June 7, 2007, 9:39 am

    ooh, I don’t know what you did different but for the first time I can read your haiku on google reader instead of just seeing the title. neat.

  2. Wade
    Thursday, June 7, 2007, 10:51 pm

    I left out the summary, which I have now fixed.

    For those not in the know, my RSS feed usually provides a summary only of content, as well as a link. This site runs on ads and traffic, so I can’t “give away” content on the feed.

    At some point, I’ll put more content in the feed, albeit with ads incorporated. This will no doubt raise a few hackles, but hey, it’s still a free site.

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